Measure on the ballot in the 2021 Colorado Consolidated Municipal General Election in Grand Junction.
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Get StartedShall City of Grand Junction taxes be increased by two million nine hundred thousand dollars ($2,900,000) in the first full fiscal year and by such amounts as are raised annually thereafter by increasing the city sales and use tax on the retail sale of regulated marijuana and marijuana products from 3.25% to 8.25% (with authorization that the special sales and use tax of 5% could be increased in the future above 5% without further voter approval so long as the rate of the special sales and use taxation does not exceed 15%) and the imposition of an excise tax of 3% (with authorization that the excise tax of 3% could be increased in the future above 3% without further voter approval so long as the rate of the excise tax does not exceed 10%) when unprocessed regulated marijuana is first sold or transferred by a regulated marijuana cultivation facility and if the transfer or sale is between affiliated regulated marijuana business licensees the tax shall be based on the average market rate of unprocessed marijuana, and if the transfer or sale is between unaffiliated regulated marijuana business licensees the tax shall be based on the contract price, with the revenues from excise and the special sales and use taxes being used for the improvement and protection of the community and health and welfare of its citizens as follows: - The enforcement of regulations on the regulated marijuana industry and other costs related to the implementation of the use and regulation of regulated marijuana and lawful utilization of marijuana; and - Building, operating and maintaining the highest priority(ies) of the adopted parks and recreation open space (Pros) plan which include indoor and outdoor recreation and park facilities, capital improvements and enhancements to the city's parks, trails and open space system; With all expenditures subject to annual financial audit, and may the city collect, retain and expend all of the revenues of all of such taxes and the earnings thereon as a voter-approved revenue change without limitation or condition under Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution or any other law?
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