Currently holds the office of U.S. Senate - California until January 3, 2031.
Candidate for U.S. Senate - California in 2024 California General Election.
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Get StartedRepublicans in state legislatures across the nation are engaged in an all-out assault on our democracy, enacting highly restrictive voter suppression and subversion laws designed to disenfranchise voters – particularly Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous voters. That’s why we must pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and strengthen our commitment to ensuring voters are able to exercise their right to make their voices heard. Learn more
Republicans have long abused the redistricting process to increase their power, and then used that power to enact draconian policies that the majority of people do not support. In some states, Democrats have also abused the power to write the lines of their own districts. We need to end this nefarious practice – just like California did – by passing the For the People Act to empower voters and strengthen our democracy by banning the practice of partisan gerrymandering so voters’ voices – not politicians’ partisan interests – are heard at the ballot box. Learn more
Voting is a right – and it shouldn’t be hard to exercise. For too long, state legislatures and governors have sought to restrict not only who can vote, but also how they can vote – weakening our democracy and reducing citizen participation. We should make Election Day a national federal holiday so everyone can vote, including hard-working families that may not get time off. Learn more
Young people should not be saddled with life-long debt to pursue higher education. When the U.S. student loan system was conceived of in the 1950s, it was designed to supplement the cost of tuition for students who could repay these loans by working summer jobs. The cost of attending college has increased astronomically while state and federal investment in higher education has plummeted. We can begin to address the increasing cost of higher education by canceling at least $50,000 in student loan debt for every borrower. We can also address debt cancellation for Americans who need it most by fully relieving Medicare and Social Security Disability Insurance participants of all student loan debt that dates back more than twenty years for both current recipients and future enrollees by passing Adam’s Student Loan Relief for Medicare and Social Security Recipients Act. Most importantly, we need to restructure how we pay for higher education so students in the future don’t become so heavily indebted simply because they want a college education. Learn more
We need to dramatically expand Head Start and Early Head Start by passing Adam’s legislation to expand eligibility, triple annual funding, establish a grant program to renovate, expand, and acquire program facilities, provide student loan forgiveness for Head Start and Early Head Start child care workers, and increase salaries for employees of Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Learn more
21% of California residents live more than half a mile away from a park. Outdoor parks foster the social, environmental, and economic health that help communities and kids thrive, and do not have a large carbon footprint. To address this recreation deficit, we must increase funding for outdoor recreation and green spaces by codifying the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) program in federal law and ensure that funding will go towards the communities without adequate access to local parks. Learn more
Climate change has led to more extreme weather resulting in power outages across California. We can increase grid resiliency by making it easier for communities to experiment with community microgrids–groups of coordinated solar and battery energy storage systems that diversify power sources and increase resiliency. Learn more
The Green New Deal calls for the creation of millions of green jobs, along with access to nature, clean air and water, healthy food, a sustainable environment, and community resiliency. We need to pass the Green New Deal to invest in manufacturing and industry to spur growth in the use of clean energy, restore ecosystems through land preservation, afforestation, and science-based projects, support family farming, invest in sustainable farming, and build a more sustainable and equitable food system, and invest in communities affected by climate change. Learn more
We need a court that is fair, balanced, and represents the interests of the majority of Americans, one that is committed to protecting our rights and freedoms, not taking them away. That’s why I am a lead author of the Judiciary Act, a bill that would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court from 9 to 13, so that new Justices can be appointed who would restore balance to the Court. Learn more
Term limits on the Supreme Court will ensure that an entire generation of Americans will not suffer a further erosion of their freedoms under the current reactionary and partisan Supreme Court, and that no future Senate Leader can stack the Court the way Mitch McConnell did. That’s why I am supporting the Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization (TERM) Act to set reasonable term limits for Supreme Court justices (18 years) while establishing a better process for Supreme Court appointments. Learn more
Prohibiting Members from Trading Stocks Learn more
Ending Citizens United Learn more
Instituting Term Limits Learn more
Banning Stock Trading for Judges Learn more
Abolishing the Electoral College Learn more
Abolishing the Filibuster Learn more
We can help all Americans spend less on prescription drugs by expanding the drug price negotiation program created by the historic Inflation Reduction Act, and allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of all drugs. Just like the Department of Veterans Affairs negotiates the price of all drugs for veterans, the rest of the federal government must be allowed to do the same. We can further reduce drug costs by allowing the reimportation of medication — i.e. bringing back prescription medication that was produced here in the United States and shipped to be sold internationally. This will help address the fact that Americans are currently subsidizing the availability of lower cost prescription drugs in other countries while working families here foot the bill. Learn more
We can make homebuilding faster, cheaper, and safer by providing funding to universities and public institutions to develop open-source designs and models that experiment with new, quicker construction methods. This research will help overcome housing development bottlenecks caused by supply chain disruptions and labor shortages. The federal government can also further incentivize local governments to develop strong housing elements that include more affordable housing, that accelerate approvals and remove bureaucratic delays and barriers which impede the construction of new housing. Learn more
California does not have enough housing that’s affordable. As a result, millions of Californians cannot afford to live near where they work, and over 180,000 Californians are experiencing homelessness. We need to build more housing that’s affordable – and fast. High costs of development for affordable housing, drawn out timelines, complex local zoning laws, and resistant attitudes towards high-density housing have all contributed to California’s housing crisis. Learn more
We can create more affordable housing and keep people housed through a massive expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), a federal renter’s tax credit, making Section 8 an entitlement program so all who are eligible for vouchers receive one, and making a much more substantial direct federal investment in affordable housing to increase housing supply. And more than anything else, we need the political will in Washington to make these changes a reality. Learn more
If we are to restore voting rights, pass meaningful gun safety legislation, enact a national right to abortion, protect workers and their right to organize, ensure clean air and clean water, and create an economy that works for everyone, we must abolish the filibuster. Learn more
While Republicans are actively working to cut retirement benefits, we must boost and strengthen Social Security benefits for the lowest-income retirees and shore up Social Security’s main funding source. By lifting the payroll cap to $250,000 of income, we can dramatically expand Social Security and guarantee retirement benefits for all Americans. Learn more
Offering parents three months of paid parental leave would help address the child care shortage by allowing parents to stay home with their children to bond with them during their developmentally critical first months. Paid parental leave has been linked to children’s emotional development and academic success. All parents should have that opportunity through a federally guaranteed three months of paid parental leave. Learn more
If the top 1% of Americans paid the taxes they already owed, we could raise at least an additional $175 billion per year in tax revenue. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now has fewer auditors than at any other time since 1953. And many IRS auditors lack the appropriate training and skill set to go after the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, leading auditors to target low-income filers. Increasing the IRS’s budget would allow them to hire more auditors and train their workforce better to ensure that wealthy individuals pay their fair share and cannot evade taxes. Learn more
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