Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - New York 14th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - New York 14th Congressional District in 2024 New York General Election.
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Get StartedReproductive justice is especially essential for all individuals, whether cisgender or transgender. Alexandria does not accept any federal, state, or local rollbacks, cuts, or restrictions on the ability of individuals to access quality reproductive healthcare services, birth control, or medically accurate sexuality education. This means open access to safe, legal, affordable abortion, birth control, and family planning services, as well as access to adequate, affordable pre- and post-natal care, for all people, regardless of income, location, or education. Learn more
Expand protections for LGBTQIA people of color and end the criminalization of LGBTQIA identities. Learn more
Making schools safe for LGBTQIA students through proper accommodations. Learn more
Granting asylum to refugees fleeing persecution due to their sexuality or gender identity. Learn more
Prohibit all discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation in places of public accommodation by supporting the Equality Act. Learn more
Nstead of investing in mass incarceration, we need to invest in the most vulnerable members of our society. Alexandria introduced the Just Society: Mercy in Reentry Act, to ensure that all persons in need are eligible for the social safety net, regardless of prior involvement with the criminal justice system. This includes access to any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, and unemployment benefit. Learn more
Alexandria believes we must divest from policing as a one-stop-solution to community problems and instead invest in healthcare, housing, education, and supportive services. She recognizes that when people’s basic needs are met, we have real safety in our community. Learn more
America should not be in the business of destabilizing countries. While we may see ourselves as liberators, the world increasingly views us as occupiers and aggressors. Alexandria believes that we must end the "forever war" by bringing our troops home, and ending the air strikes that perpetuate the cycle of terrorism throughout the world. Learn more
By bringing our troops home, we can begin to heal the wounds we're opening by continuing military engagement. We can begin to repair our image. We can reunite military families, separated by repeated deployments. We can become stronger by building stronger diplomatic and economic ties, and by saving our armed forces only for when they're truly needed. Learn more
Rebuild the unions, invest in people not corporations, and a federal jobs guarantee. Learn more
Alexandria endorses a Federal Jobs Guarantee, because anyone who is willing and able to work shouldn’t struggle to find employment. By investing in our own workforce, we can lift thousands of American families out of poverty. Learn more
Greater public investments in community workforce training, apprenticeship programs and support for small businesses. Learn more
Our schools should never be on the chopping block, even when budgets are tight. Now is the time to strengthen our education system and make it more affordable to all, so that students are prepared for jobs in a post-COVID economy. Learn more
Rising tuition costs have made college and trade school inaccessible for millions and saddled millions of others with student loan debt. That is why Alexandria is working to liberate people suffering from student-debt and make our public college system affordable once again. Learn more
Now is the right time to create millions of jobs transitioning to renewable and clean energy. Learn more
As part of the Green New Deal, we will dramatically expand and upgrade our renewable power sources, build energy-efficient power grids, retrofit our buildings for energy efficiency and invest heavily in zero-emission manufacturing and infrastructure. In addition, we will build clean, affordable transit systems connected by high-speed rail. Learn more
The Green New Deal has the potential to create millions of jobs. The Green New Deal for Public Housing - a bill Alexandria introduced last year to improve public housing stock in the U.S. - would create over 240,000 jobs per year across the United States, while improving living conditions for 2 million residents. This is the kind of stimulus that will revitalize our economy and uplift our neighbors. Learn more
A ‘just approach’ to climate change also requires us to address its disproportionate impact on communities of colors. In areas of The Bronx, air pollution is so high that residents are hospitalized for asthma at a rate 21 times higher than the rest of New York City. Learn more
Stop investing in the business of wars; invest in peace and diplomacy. Learn more
Guarantee healthcare for all people, curb costs, and improve long-term health. Learn more
Medicare for All uncouples healthcare from your job. It allows everyone to receive quality care that is affordable at the hospital, pharmacy or doctor’s office. It will cover primary, mental, dental, vision, women’s health, and emergency room care in addition to prescription drugs. Learn more
Protect current occupants, repair public housing, and build new affordable housing. Learn more
Alexandria introduced legislation – The Place to Prosper Act – to incentivize local governments to promote affordable housing in their communities by offering additional funds to local governments that advance the public interest by taking measures such as streamlining permits and timelines to accelerate the building of affordable housing, and prohibiting landlords from rejecting a rental application on the basis of the applicant’s source of income. Learn more
The Place to Prosper Act, introduced by Alexandria in 2019, curbs rent increase for landlords who own 5 or more properties to just 3% of the preceding year’s rent or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, whichever is greater. This creates clear guidance for both sides on what to expect and ensures families are not displaced because of large rent increases. Learn more
Alexandria has called for 70 billion in funding to fix our nation’s crumbling public housing system. But that is not enough. Alexandria also called for an additional 10 billion specifically dedicated to remove lead from public housing. Learn more
Alexandria is also calling for a permanent repeal of the Faircloth Amendment, so that cities can start expanding their public housing options. Lastly, Alexandria advocates for substantive Low Income Housing Tax Credit and permanent funding of the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Learn more
It is past time to make undocumented individuals full members of the country they call their home and abolish ICE. Learn more
Our nation must recognize our history: immigrants, enslaved peoples, and refugees built this country, but they are treated dishonorably. We all do better when we create a just society that embraces our most vulnerable populations and paves a path to prosperity for all. This is why Alexandria introduced The Embrace Act during her first year in Congress, to help ensure that all persons in need are eligible for the largest programs of the social safety net. Learn more
A community-led, sustainable, and just recovery - including protections for Puerto Rico’s public education system from kindergarten to college and trade school. Learn more
A Marshall Plan for Puerto Rico, helping the island not only recover from Hurricane Maria, but thrive with modern infrastructure and renewable energy systems. Learn more
The Congresswoman also believes we must protect, strengthen, and expand Social Security and Medicare -- and increase access to affordable prescription drugs. She is fighting to ensure that wealthy individuals pay the same percentage of their income into Social Security as middle class and working families. And, she’s working to end price gouging and monopoly practices by pharma companies. Learn more
Prevailing wages, project labor agreements, no arbitration clauses, employees not contractors, and collective bargaining in these conversations. These principles create stable secure communities that allow our small businesses to thrive. Learn more
The federal government should not be allowed to do business with companies where workers do not have union protection Learn more
It is the responsibility of leaders to talk about general strikes, to expand consciousness about a general strike, and to create the conditions in which working people can generate and really exercise their own power. Learn more
We need to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, which limits the power of workers and unions to fight and push for better working conditions. Learn more
We must secure the union and labor regulations that are commonplace in most countries around the world. Learn more
Alexandria is a firm believer in equal pay for all genders. The pay and hiring discrimination that women, particularly mothers, women of color, Indigenous women, lesbian, queer and trans women still face each day in our nation, as well as discrimination against workers with disabilities, is atrocious and must end. Equal pay for equal work will provide families with upward mobility and boost the economy. Learn more
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