Candidate for Iowa State Senate - District 22 in 2024 Iowa General Election.
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Get StartedI have been on the frontlines pushing legislation through the Senate that betters our healthcare system like House File 2456 which increases access to mental health services like preventative treatment, House File 2356 which allows families and primary care providers to agree on a set cost for a few essential services, rather than having to pay expensive premiums, and House File 2305 which prohibits insurance companies from discriminating between coverage benefits for telehealth versus in-person services – a very important update to the law that allows telehealth to grow in our rural communities. I have also worked to curb the spread of deadly HIV outbreaks by advocating for effective clean-needle sharing programs to protect the community and save our hospitals and taxpayers money. Learn more
Under a bill I introduced in the Senate, Iowans with individual or small-group insurance under the state’s jurisdiction would be protected and get to keep their plans, even if the Affordable Care Act is deemed unconstitutional. This is not only important to individuals who want to keep their health insurance, but also to small business employers. Learn more
I have driven the conversation to lift restrictive regulations on alternative treatment methods like cannabidiol (CBD) used for pain relief. We have medical experts and doctors across the state who should be able to sit down with each patient and decide amongst themselves what treatment plan is best. Learn more
I will continue what I started in 2018 to greatly reduce the income tax burden to lift all Iowans out of a punishing tax climate and into a thriving economy where businesses create more jobs and Iowans keep more of their money. Learn more
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