Currently holds the office of Jack County Sheriff until December 31, 2028.
Candidate for Jack County Sheriff in 2024 Texas General Election.
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Get StartedI want my deputies to be approachable. One thing that I think prohibits this a little bit is the uniform they are currently wearing. The protective vest they are wearing looks to “militaristic” and makes a lot of people uncomfortable to approach the deputies. I would like to get back to the Tan Uniform shirts and Brown Wranglers with cowboy hats like it was when Robert Perry and Danny Nash were Sheriff. Learn more
We are committedto work with the schools, EMS, Fire Departments, and other Law EnforcementAgencies in the county and improve how to respond in unison to major incidents at the schools such as fires, environmentaldisasters, severe weather, lock downs, and active shooters with drills and written guidelines. Mandatorytime will be committed to the schools' 'defenders" and ALL county law enforcement on actions during an active shooter at the school. Learn more
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