Candidate for Hawaii County Council - District 9 in 2024 Hawaii General Election.
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Get StartedInvest in County Parks, Senior Centers, and the arts to strengthen communities by encouraging art and cultural events and activities that are multicultural and multigenerational. Learn more
Cindy has a vision for a Hawai'i Island where individuals are healthy and have access to quality education and jobs, and where everyone engages in stewardship of land and water to protect the natural resources for our keiki and future generations. Learn more
Explore public-private partnerships to increase affordable, clean, efficient, and environmentally-friendly wastewater systems, promote innovation to reduce the waste stream, improve management of watersheds, and reduce runoff. Learn more
Partner with state and federal agencies to tackle the spread of invasive species and increase early detection, and engage the public to participate in environmental protection. Learn more
Support community engagement to nurture efficient use of government services and programs, and fund training for County staff and public. Learn more
Target programs that increase supply of housing for low to median-income households, elderly, disabled, homeless and those transitioning from incarceration or domestic violence. Learn more
Build evidenced-based, environmentally-friendly modern and affordable water and sanitation systems, 21st century energy supply, high-speed broadband, emergency management and response systems, and efficient waste and wastewater systems. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.