Candidate for President of the United States in 2024 South Dakota Primary Election and 1 other elections.
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Get StartedIn the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v Wade, Dean co-sponsored and voted for HR 8297, the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act, and HR 8111, the My Body, My Data Act—each of which would protect women seeking reproductive health care out-of-state—as well as HR 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify the reproductive freedoms previously guaranteed by Roe. Learn more
I believe that smart public policy is both pro-business and pro-worker. Those ideas are not mutually exclusive. That’s why I’m an advocate for policies that grow the economy by reducing red tape, investing in people, rewarding innovation, and sharing in success. Learn more
We must work together at all levels of government to ensure that every American child receives a world-class public education—no matter their race or zip code. I’ve spent the majority of my adult life working to create more opportunity for young people, and I will continue to make that a top priority as a member of Congress.'''' Learn more
Every American with a desire for higher education, apprenticeships or certifications should be able to access those opportunities to better prepare for sustainable employment and the jobs of the future. And while he supports targeted relief for federal student debt holders with the greatest need—including those pursuing in-demand professions, such as teaching, nursing, and law enforcement—Dean believes we must treat the underlying problem of college affordability rather than engage in short-term actions to treat the symptoms. Learn more
Dean’s top priority in Congress is ensuring our schools have the federal resources they need to support their students, teachers, and other support professionals. Learn more
The effects of climate change are now being seen and felt by nearly every American and by people across the world. Our planet will survive, but if we don’t take urgent action, humanity may not – and America must resume its role as a global leader in addressing this crisis. Learn more
For these reasons, numerous conservation and environmental organizations endorsed Dean throughout his Congressional campaigns. Learn more
Dean supported and helped pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first meaningful gun violence prevention legislation to become law in nearly 30 years. Learn more
In addition to helping pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which will lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, Dean is an original co-sponsor of HR 4974, the State Public Option Act, which would allow individuals and families to buy into their state’s Medicaid program while granting Americans with employer-provided care, that works for them, the freedom to keep it. Learn more
Dean supports universal health insurance coverage and continues to be active in efforts to expand access and lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs. Learn more
I believe it’s time we make the moral decision to ensure every American has affordable, high-quality healthcare, regardless of their age, condition, geography, or ability to pay. Learn more
Dean supports comprehensive immigration reform, including enhanced border security, a pathway to citizenship for those here now, and a streamlined process for those seeking to enter the country legally. Learn more
In Congress, Dean has helped pass legislation through the House, such as HR 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, which provides for a path to citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants. In addition, he led the effort to provide permanent status for Liberian refugees, many of whom have lived here legally for decades but under the constant threat of eventual deportation. Learn more
Dean is a cosponsor of the IDEA Full Funding Act, which would fully fund the federal government’s portion of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act over a 10-year period. Learn more
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