Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Oregon 3rd Congressional District in 2022 Oregon General Election.
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Get StartedReform our criminal justice system and sentencing laws—including ending mandatory minimums and the unconstitutional practice of civil asset forfeiture. Learn more
Keeping assault weapons and high capacity magazines out of public spaces. Learn more
He drafted the first progressive alternative Farm Bill, which would end subsidies for corporate agribusiness and invest in beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers, local and regional food systems, and universal access to healthy food. Learn more
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders, we introduced the National Climate Emergency Act to unleash every resource in our arsenal to fight climate change. Learn more
We need to support policies and practices that support the long-term sustainability of farmlands and our environment. Learn more
I also recognize the vital role our bees and other pollinators play in maintaining our food supply and ecosystems and the need to protect them from toxic chemicals and fertilizers. Learn more
I believe it is Congress' foremost responsibility to ensure that our communities have access to a safe, clean supply of water and healthy air quality. Learn more
A constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, which has given corporations and wealthy donors the ability to buy influence in our elections. Learn more
Legislation to increase transparency of spending by requiring corporations, lobbyists, and outside groups to disclose expenditures and campaign contributions. Learn more
Public financing of congressional elections to reduce the influence of big donors, diversify the pool of candidates, and build campaigns on small donors and real people. Learn more
Congressman Blumenauer has voted for legislation to close the “private sale loophole” and implement uniform background checks. Learn more
Removing barriers to research on gun violence to allow us to fully understand the impact and implications of current policies. Learn more
He’s fighting to empower Medicare and Medicaid to negotiate for lower drug prices for not only senior citizens, but all Americans. Learn more
Improving our mental health system to make it more accessible and available, enhancing our capacity to help individuals with mental illness. Learn more
Congressman Blumenauer is an original cosponsor of Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Medicare for All bill and he is working in Congress to establish a single-payer system so that all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care. Learn more
Provide universal access to treatment for those struggling with addiction. Learn more
We need to radically increase funding for the construction, maintenance, and safety upgrades of public housing. Learn more
Renters ought to be able to pay their monthly rental payments. We have to make Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers an entitlement like food assistance and Medicaid programs, create a Renters Tax Credit, expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, incentivize statewide caps on rent increases and triple funding for housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities. Learn more
We must provide federal incentives to end exclusionary zoning, strengthen existing fair housing laws, finalize the Obama-era Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, and double funding for enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. Learn more
We must treat housing as a human right and guarantee people experiencing homelessness the right to shelter. We must also provide federal incentives to enact federal “housing first” policies, which ensure that people experiencing homelessness are able to be placed into housing without preconditions so they can receive the medical treatment and social services they need—not just a roof over their heads. Learn more
We need to fight for families who have been locked out of homeownership by creating incentives for first time homebuyers—especially those living in formerly redlined or segregated areas. Learn more
Fight for DREAMers and Refugees. In the face of the administration’s termination of DACA, we must keep our promise to DREAMers, as well as stand up for the thousands of hardworking and otherwise law-abiding families who now call America home. Learn more
He has vehemently opposed all funding for Trump’s unnecessary and unAmerican border wall. Learn more
He’s successfully increased funding for bike and pedestrian programs nationwide, and authored the bicycle commuter tax benefit, which was enacted in 2008. Learn more
There is no better way to create millions of family wage jobs than by investing in infrastructure. Every $1.3 billion invested in infrastructure would add 29,000 jobs to the construction sector alone. Learn more
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