Currently holds the office of Tennessee House of Representatives - District 41 until November 3, 2026.
Candidate for Tennessee House of Representatives - District 41 in 2024 Tennessee General Election.
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Get StartedHalf of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about 4 in 10 of these end in abortion. There are approximately 6 million births each year, half were unintended (3 million) and 4 out of 10 were aborted. 1,200,000 abortions each year. We need to work in Tennessee to make adoption more readily available and streamline the process for this children to have loving, caring parents. Learn more
We must carefully and diligently review and revise our current education materials and the sources providing them. I believe we have qualified companies in TN to create, write and publish the educational materials we use in TN. These materials whether online or in a textbook should be done by Tennesseans! Children need to be taught age appropriate materials and not exposed them to propaganda and unnatural nonsense. Learn more
Our current president and his administration have worked diligently to take away our second amendment rights! Outlawing guns will not fix crime! Learn more
There are several issues that we can be passionate about. Education, our 2nd Amendment Right, State Rights, local control and much more. Decisions need to be made locally in the education of our children so our conservative values are taught to our children. You and I must fight to protect our second amendment rights today because if we don’t there will be no tomorrow. Learn more
The president and his party are working overtime to bring more and more unvetted refuges to America. Nashville, TN is a Sanctuary City and its just a matter of time before these people cause harm to people in our community. The president has no interest in vetting these people and therefore I believe put not only our national security as severe risks, but its putting our local communities at risk. We must protect ourselves now to prevent an incident similar to 911 or the Paris attacks from occurring in our community! Learn more
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