Currently holds the office of Oregon House of Representatives - District 17 until January 11, 2027.
Candidate for Oregon House of Representatives - District 17 in 2024 Oregon General Election.
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Get StartedI will fight for legislation that promotes a culture of life, encourages adoption, and supports moms. And I will support laws that limit abortion in a way the majority of Oregonians can accept. Learn more
I am pro-life and I truly believe that life begins at conception. Learn more
We must support and adequately fund our first responders. We must demand from our state and local politicians that the rights of victims are considered in all cases. Learn more
That means we must recriminalize hard drugs and require treatment. Learn more
Oregon needs good paying jobs. Our leadership must create an environment that encourages manufacturing, farming and timber jobs. Not everyone can or wants to work in the tech industry. Not everyone has the luxury of working virtually or ‘learning to code’. Our state needs to promote businesses where people make things, work with their hands, and build for a living. I will fight for a sensible tax and regulatory policy that creates opportunities for businesses instead of punishing them for success. Learn more
We need to institute sensible tax policies that encourage family farms, lessen misguided environmental regulations that don’t protect the environment but only hurt ag producers, open markets to our ag products, and create incentives for young people to enter the industry. Learn more
I’m going to fight onerous regulations and taxes that stymie growth and hamstring small business owners. Learn more
Having a choice of schooling has always led to a higher quality of education – it is a basic right for all children no matter what income bracket they are in. We need to keep our schools open and focus our curriculum on the skills our kids need to be successful citizens. That’s why I am a chief sponsor on the Better Public Education Act - every child has the right to learn in the way that suits their unique needs and will allow them to succeed. Learn more
Parents have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Learn more
We need to secure our elections by requiring voters to prove their identities, conducting robust post-election audits to ensure accurate counts, and prohibit such activities as ballot harvesting. Learn more
There is no excuse for our Governor to be granted two years of emergency power, overriding laws established by our elected representatives. Our legislature must act to make sure this can never happen again. Keep our schools open, let our kids be kids, and keep vaccination an individual choice. Learn more
We must implement policies that encourage, and in some cases compel, drug treatment and recovery. The evidence shows that this works. That means we must recriminalize hard drugs and require treatment. We must make it easier for the severely mentally ill to get the help they so desperately need. Learn more
I am opposed to the Habitat Conservation Plan and the Private Forest Accord; both policies have locked up thousands of acres of Oregon forest, preventing sustainable timber harvesting and wildfire fuel reduction. Learn more
We need to restore balance in our forest management policies, and reflect the interests of the people that live, work, and recreate in these forests. Learn more
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