Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - New York 21st Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - New York 21st Congressional District in 2024 New York General Election.
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Get StartedElise proudly Backs the Blue. Earning the endorsement of every law enforcement union, she stands with men and women in law enforcement at the federal, state, county, and local level. Learn more
We must keep the promises and commitments we’ve made to our military veterans by ensuring needed services and care are always available and delivered in a timely fashion. This includes adequate and safe equipment, healthcare for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, traumatic brain injuries and other service-related ailments, job opportunities and training and post-service career resources, as well as the disability and retirement benefits they’ve earned through their courageous service. Elise is a leading voice in Washington advocating for veterans and military families in the North Country. Learn more
Elise is a leader in advocating for infrastructure to help our economy grow. She is a bipartisan leader on expanding rural broadband access throughout the district successfully returning federal dollars for local projects. Elise also effectively partners with local, county, and state elected officials on providing support for critical infrastructure projects such as: airports, highways, roads, bridges, water, sewer, cell coverage, broadband, and more. Learn more
We need to look toward the future and ensure that the next generation of farmers will be able to continue the family farm legacy. Agriculture is a way of life in the North Country, and Elise is a strong voice for the entire Upstate agriculture community. Supporting New York farms means safer food, affordable goods and open and stable trade markets, not just in New York, but across the nation and the world. Learn more
Elise has taken a strong stance against Critical Race Theory and racist indoctrionation in our schools. She has been a leading voice for parental power when it comes to education, rather than putting that power in the hands of the federal government, superintendents, and teachers’ unions. She is one of the leaders of the Parents’ Bill of Rights. Learn more
Elise has delivered results such as funding for the Lake Champlain Basin Program, the St Lawrence River, Lake George, and many, many more ecological gems and economic drivers in our region. She effectively advocated for the permanent authorization of the Land and Water Conservation Program. Learn more
Elise has worked to protect the acid rain research efforts in our district, advocating on behalf of the Adirondack Lake Survey Corporation and fighting to keep acid rain research funding high. Learn more
Gas for the car, heating bills for home or the office – these costs add up quickly. The federal government often places unnecessary mandates and regulations on energy suppliers and impedes development. However, America is home to vast supplies of energy which, if fully utilized, will fuel our growing nation’s economy into the future. Learn more
She is a strong 2nd Amendment supporter, and has earned an A rating from the NRA for her commitment to upholding the Constitution. Learn more
Elise is committed to continuing to work with her colleagues on bipartisan legislation to build a healthcare system that lowers costs, improves quality and increases access for North Country families. Learn more
Elise opposes amnesty and does not support voting rights or driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants and has advocated against expanding the flow of illegal immigrants into our country. Learn more
Elise will work to curb government waste, fight for small business job creation and economic opportunities to grow the economy, balance the federal budget, and pay down the national debt. Learn more
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