Currently holds the office of New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Rockingham 10 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Rockingham 10 in 2024 New Hampshire General Election.
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Get StartedMaking producers pay to properly recycle/compost the waste they produce for consumers and banning toxic chemicals in waste with emphasis on watershed protection Learn more
Aggressively combating climate change through all available avenues including comprehensive renewable energy infrastructure and energy efficiency standards, robust public transit, carbon sequestration through protection and expansion of healthy forests and soils as well as technology, etc. Learn more
Guaranteed universal healthcare as a human right, Including vision, dental, and hearing (because eyes, ears, and teeth are also parts of the human body!) Learn more
Systematically increasing the affordability and accessibility of all housing (not simply creating low-quality developments for the poor) Learn more
A livable wage of at least $15/ hour (it should be closer to $30 on the Seacoast) Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.