Currently holds the office of Oklahoma House of Representatives - District 87 until November 18, 2026.
Candidate for Oklahoma House of Representatives - District 87 in 2024 Oklahoma General Election.
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Get StartedEllyn knows that our state is only as strong as our public schools. That’s why she supports increasing education funding, raising teacher pay and benefits, and empowering local school boards and administrators to make the best decisions for their students. Learn more
She wants to make the State Legislature operate under the Open Meetings and Open Records Acts, ensure that the budget process is fair and open, and enact stronger anti-corruption measures. Learn more
Ellyn understands how access to QUALITY mental Health Care is important to families. Caregivers need to have support in caring for their family, co-workers and friends when they are in crisis. Ellyn will work with legislators to support Oklahomans and find solutions to the state’s growing mental health crisis. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.