Currently holds the office of Minnesota State Senate - District 64 until January 5, 2027.
Candidate for Minnesota State Senate - District 64 in 2022 Minnesota General Election.
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Get StartedI am unequivocally pro-choice, and will always work to protect reproductive freedom and choice for all Minnesotans. Learn more
I vehemently oppose efforts that discriminate and dehumanize LGBTQ+ Minnesotans, like conversion therapy and so-called “bathroom bills” dictating who can use public bathrooms. I’ll also work to streamline processes related to changing one’s gender or name on official identification cards so that LGBTQ+ folks can more easily and safely rent, travel, and access important services. Learn more
Under no circumstances should victim-survivors assume the financial burden of health costs associated with their assaults. I will fight to make sure health insurance covers those costs, and that the state does when health insurance doesn’t. Learn more
People of color and Indigenous Minnesotans are treated differently by our criminal justice system. Learn more
The gun violence conversation is incomplete without addressing the ways in which legally armed state and local law enforcement officers inequitably threaten the lives of people of color, indigenous people, and LGBTQ+ people. Learn more
I support legalizing recreational marijuana that includes record expungement—this means releasing non-violent offenders, and supporting them as they transition out of the criminal justice system. Learn more
We must also fight to reduce the cost of childcare because too many Miinnesotans with children are also cost-burdened by the system. Learn more
We must also ensure our kids have the most qualified educators. The best way to do this is protecting our educators right to collectively bargain and ensure a high-quality teacher licensure process. Learn more
Minnesota’s kids deserve the best education in the world — that means every child, in every public school. Our schools are incredibly underfunded. We must urgently and heavily invest in our education system, and we must be willing to ask wealthy Minnesotans to pay more to make it possible. Learn more
I also believe we must be proactive in addressing sexual assault and harassment by providing an age-appropriate curriculum to K-12 students that teaches personal boundaries, bodily autonomy, and respect, as part of a strong, broader comprehensive sex ed program. Learn more
As we add to the formula we also need to specifically invest in early learning, funding full-service community schools that support students and their families in and outside the classroom, and ensuring our educators reflect the growing diversity of our students. Learn more
Indigenous communities and communities of color are disproportionately affected by pollution and environmental degradation — we must take corrective action immediately. This means respecting Indigenous sovereignty and divesting from pipelines that only fortify dirty fossil fuel infrastructure. Learn more
We also need to invest more to protect and restore the health of our water, our soil, and our land. This includes investing in the development of perennial crops to help farmers grow crops that have a market, and working towards saving the habitats of bees and pollinators. Learn more
I oppose the building of Line 3. I don't believe it is needed and I hope we never build another pipeline. The climate crisis we are facing demands a clear, serious, bold, urgent, and committed response. We won't get there if we keep building fossil fuel infrastructure. Learn more
Climate change is a fundamental threat to Minnesotans. We must ensure a transition to 100% clean energy, end pollution, protect our air and water, and create a future that is sustainable for all Minnesotans no matter where they live. Learn more
We also need to invest in clean energy infrastructure and technology. We must also expand broadband access and increase the use of electric vehicles. As we build our state, we must build the prosperity of working people as well, ensuring that union workers, earning a living wage receive those contracts. Learn more
Minnesota must take the lead by implementing strong measures for gun violence prevention. This includes banning assault weapons, restricting magazine capacities, and requiring universal background checks. Learn more
Right now the ability for trans Minnesotans to access the care they need depends on what their insurance will cover. That’s not right, and I’ll fight to ensure trans Minnesotans get the coverage they need, and that when they do, they aren’t forced to jump through unnecessary hoops to access it. Learn more
I am a supporter of single-payer. I co-authored John Marty’s Minnesota Health Plan. While we cannot implement true single-payer without the federal government, we can start by making MinnesotaCare available to all Minnesotans, contracting directly with providers (and cutting out insurance companies), and ensuring that mental health, dental, and vision care are available to all Minnesotans. Learn more
We should aim to put Minnesotans’ care in their own hands. We should also invest in our healthcare workforce by investing in training programs for nurses and other care workers, to both help meet the needs of our patients and invest in local economies. Learn more
Minnesotans experience the underfunding of roads, bridges, transportation infrastructure daily. We need large investments in infrastructure to give Minnesotans the resources they need to move their goods, services, and ideas throughout the state. Learn more
Minnesotans must come together as we have in the past to ensure our communities have consistent sources for transit funding so people can get around regardless of where they live, their abilities, and whether or not they can afford a car. Learn more
We must also restore the vote for Minnesotans who have served their time for felony convictions. Voting is a sacred right and it is a powerful tool in building strong, powerful communities. Learn more
I will work to index the gas tax to inflation to make sure that our investment in our roads, bridges, and transit will never again fall so far behind our needs. I'll lead the fight to leverage federal transportation funds for both our roads and bridges, and also for transit projects like bus rapid transit, light rail, and high-speed transit initiatives. Learn more
I will be a fierce advocate in the Senate for workers’ rights, including policies that ensure living wages, safe working conditions, and a voice on the job. I will prioritize equitable economic opportunities for women, especially women of color and Indigenous women, and non-binary folks. Learn more
I support paid family leave for every Minnesotan. As a nurse, I’ve seen the impact that one person’s illness can have on a family. It’s wrong to make workers choose between their livelihood and their health. I will fight for creating safer and healthier communities by making family leave universal. Learn more
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