Candidate for New Mexico State Senate - District 27 in 2024 New Mexico Primary Election.
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Get StartedOne of the most important things we can do to rein in the dramatic crime statistics in our state is to change detention rules to make sure that violent and repeat offenders are held ahead of trial. This must be done, and I’ll fight for it in the Senate the same way that I’ve fought for it in the House. We also need tougher penalties across the board for repeat violent offenders, as well as for opioid dealers and distributors. Learn more
This is a very tough subject because it’s such a complicated issue. The best way to address homelessness and mental health issues is to deal with the root causes, which often involve child abuse and drug addiction. That’s why I support increased criminal penalties for any and all abusers of children and for drug-pushers. Mental health programs can be helpful, but they often reach people too late. We must stop the cycle of homelessness by halting the root causes first. Learn more
We must make it easier to do business in New Mexico. Learn more
I support choice and competition for parents, which can only improve the education of children in New Mexico. I will stand against the sexual and racial indoctrination of children in schools through ideologies such as CRT. Learn more
New Mexico should be a leader in energy production, including ALL viable energy sources. I support the production of New Mexico’s rich energy resources AND cost-effective forms of renewable energy. I also support reducing the regulatory burden on New Mexico’s energy producers, as well as on our food producers, especially our farmers and ranchers. Learn more
I also fully support reducing the tax burden across the board on families and business in our state, starting with reforming/eliminating the Gross Receipts Tax. Learn more
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