Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - New York 16th Congressional District in 2024 New York Primary Election.
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Get StartedFixing and upgrading our infrastructure to meet carbon-free standards will require massive investment and create millions of jobs, spur our economy and guarantee our future. Learn more
We must fully transition to a 100% clean and renewable energy economy. That means investing in wind, solar and geothermal energy and upgrading every building, home, and mode of transportation in this country through a mobilization of our economy that we haven’t seen since World War 2. Learn more
We must guarantee health care as a human right and save millions of lives. The solution is simple, and found in nearly every other wealthy country across the globe: A single-payer system that provides everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage, with no premiums, deductibles or copays. Learn more
To overcome our district’s shortage of over 70,000 affordable rental homes, the federal government must make a deep public reinvestment in affordable and social housing. Learn more
Too many families live one landlord’s whim away from a forced move. Tenants must have the right to renew their lease. Learn more
National rent control means a cap on rent increases at 150% of the consumer price index, or 3% — whichever is higher. Learn more
The Broadband Justice Act will expand affordable high-speed internet access to 8 million families living in government-assisted housing. It will classify broadband as a utility, in the same way water, heat and electricity are classified as utilities, because they are all necessary for modern life. In addition, it will retrofit public housing units, like the 21,000 units in our district, for high-quality broadband. Learn more
Social Security will deplete its reserves by 2034, leading to cuts for over 20% of eligible seniors. We must guarantee Social Security funding for the next 50 years. But we have to go further than that. We must link Social Security benefits to inflation and ensure smarter adjustments for the rising cost of living. Learn more
And we must raise the minimum benefit because it is unacceptable that an American retiring right now after 30 years of hard work is discovering their Social Security benefits put them below the poverty line. Learn more
We must repeal the Trump tax cuts for the rich and massive corporations. We must tax capital gains at the same rate as income for the top 1%. We must close tax loopholes for corporations like Amazon who are paying little or zero federal taxes. We must pass a modest 2% wealth tax on the ultrarich with a net worth of over $50 million to invest in universal child care, free public college, canceling student debt and more. Learn more
In Congress, Jamaal has been a leading champion of the PRO Act, a landmark bill to grow labor unions. The PRO Act makes it easier for employees to form a union to negotiate for better pay, benefits and working conditions. It also increases penalties for corporations that engage in union busting or retaliate against workers who are organizing and speaking out to improve their workplace. Learn more
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