Currently holds the office of Maine House of Representatives - District 39 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for Maine House of Representatives - District 39 in 2024 Maine General Election.
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Get StartedEveryone must be guaranteed availability and accessibility to a broad range of reproductive care including abortion. These decisions do not negatively affect the health and well being of other citizens. They must remain a personal choice made in consultation with a medical professional of the patient’s choosing. Learn more
I will work to promote social justice and prevent discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation. Learn more
Our schools are no place for any sort of weapons! The increasing focus on social and emotional health and learning coupled with an increase in the number of guidance counselors and school psychologists will help provide positive school environments. I support the work of the Department of Education School Safety Committee. It is also important that our students, teachers and school personnel have clean air to breathe and safe water to drink in every school in the state. Learn more
Alcohol and drug addiction are diseases. More treatment options and facilities are needed. Investments in these are imperative to promote healthy individuals and safer communities. Learn more
Protect and support farms, expand regional dairy production investments or transport, reduce food deserts and promote food justice. Learn more
Workers must have safe working conditions, a fair living wage and collective bargaining rights. These are fundamental rights that everyone working in the State of Maine deserves. Learn more
I will work to help citizens respect the value of great schools and great teachers to provide the necessary knowledge and problem-solving skill sets for our students. Parental involvement and support are key. Citizens must understand that increasing state mandates will not necessarily equal better student outcomes. Maine Learning Results provide the framework on which local curricula choices are made. Schools must be safe places for considering ideas! Learn more
Protect and preserve our soil, air and water! Support PFAS testing, mitigation and rehabilitation. Respect and act on the science confirming global warming and develop plans and investments in infrastructure to combat sea level rise. Learn more
Conservation and renewable energy development and consumer accessibility and affordability are important. Home weatherization, electrification and improved access to public transportation options will help with Maine’s old housing stock and reliance on fossil fuels and the huge amount of pollution we cause because of these. Maine’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, Maine Won’t Wait is being implemented and its successes so far are inspirational!!! Learn more
I support background checks and information sharing between agencies. All sales should be through a registered gun dealer. Ban all assault weapons and bump stocks and institute mandatory training before ownership at legal age of purchase of twenty-one. Mandate safe storage practices. Learn more
Access to quality affordable healthcare is a basic human right. I support universal/single payer healthcare for all and believe this should include prescription drugs, dental, vision and hearing care. This situation requires our attention due to Maine’s age demographics. Most other civilized countries have figured this out. Insurance profits are part of our barrier in this arena. Learn more
Improved funding mechanisms and delivery systems are needed to improve and broaden our public transportation options. This is particularly true in Waldo County and other rural counties where it is often that without a car, "You can't get there from here!!!" Learn more
I supported the funding of education at 55%. This must be maintained without accounting caveats of including the unfunded actuarial liability!!! Revenue sharing also helps towns with their funding obligations. Learn more
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