Currently holds the office of South Carolina House of Representatives - District 123 until November 9, 2026.
Candidate for South Carolina House of Representatives - District 123 in 2024 South Carolina General Election.
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Get StartedWhen I came to Columbia six years ago, virtually no one was talking about the condition of the State Retirement System. As a result of my persistent involvement in this discussion it is now on the front burner for policy makers in Columbia. Learn more
There is no question that in the Education Arena we must increase accountability across the spectrum if we are going to have a better overall achievement record when compared to other States. We must increase accountability for the money spent and the results that we expect from teachers as well as from each School District. Learn more
First we use vouchers and scholarships for private and parochial schools at the university level, If it’s OK there why not use it at the pre-K-12 as well. I believe in a free market system. I don’t believe that monolithic monopolies are always the best mechanism for delivering a service. Our education system fits that criteria. Education is one of the last monopolies in the country. In my view, competition is valuable. It helps raise the standard and I believe that an all of the above approach is how we should pursue this. Concerns that vouchers and scholarships will wreck the public education system are not borne out by other states. Florida has had great success with education savings accounts and allowing parents to choose for their children what they perceive to be the best route. Let’s learn from what others have done and see if we can’t move our system forward. With public dollars comes public accountability. We need to see the value and the return on our investment for our children. Learn more
We need to work on broadband and making that available at the end of each one of the lines in the rural sections to South Carolina. I believe if we can achieve that we will improve children’s access to various information and this ultimately improves outcomes. Learn more
Currently there are 79 school districts in South Carolina and we only have 46 counties. I contend that if we consolidate the districts we would reduce the amount of administration costs that are in the system and the result would be more money pushed into the classroom. Learn more
The top line of any specific changes to improve the educational outcomes in South Carolina would need to include a change in the funding approach. Learn more
Additionally, I believe we need to empower teachers with responsibility for results, and provide pay that goes with that. Learn more
Let me first point out that we are already regulated to a very large extent. I agree that some level of regulations is necessary. Obviously, we all want a clean environment. That is why I have voted against offshore drilling along our entire coast, voted to expand the Conservation Land Bank and pushed hard to allow local municipalities and Counties like Hilton Head Island and Beaufort County have the authority to regulate plastic usage and other similar issues However, balance is also needed. There shouldn’t be undue regulatory burdens that have limited positive impact but detract from the profitability of businesses that have tight margins already. Great care also need to be taken to protect personal property rights. Learn more
Third party committees are beholden to no one and are not accountable to voters whereas elected officials are accountable to the voters. Transparency and public input should be a part of the redistricting process and should be a part of all that we do in the State House. The people of House District 123 deserve to know the why behind the decisions we make and deserve the opportunity to provide input on these decisions. Learn more
COVID-19 dramatically illuminated the value telehealth offers to public health. For instance, the best doctors in the best nurses could be made available to areas that otherwise wouldn’t have access to the best doctors in the best nurses. In an environment of allocating scare resources there are not enough resources to have a hospital in every community. So telemedicine is a positive approach to delivering needed care where there is an absence of hospitals in rural areas. The pandemic has also spotlighted the reality that we need to expand the building of internet broadband across the state. If broadband were available across every South Carolina county the benefits of telehealth would be more broadly available to more people. Regional health centers are another mechanism for delivery of health services. Learn more
In general, I want to oversee that the SC DOT adheres to the 10 year road and bridge improvement plan implemented by the SC DOT. Specifically, I want to continue to press for funding for the Hilton Head Island bridge replacement project. Learn more
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