Candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives - District 35B in 2022 Minnesota General Election.
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Get StartedJerry is committed to keeping communities safe while ensuring equal treatment under the law. Learn more
Jerry believes the state should invest in these institutions so they can respond quickly to changing labor markets and meet the demand for trained workers. Also key to economic opportunity is the ability to organize in the workplace. Collective bargaining helps workers capture the gains in productivity which have too long been flowing to the 1%. Learn more
Keeping college affordable for every Minnesotan is one of the state's key challenges. We can do it with a combination of diligent management in the institutions, tax incentives for students and their families, and increased state funding. The state must also provide the two-thirds cost of higher education called for in state law. Learn more
Jerry is fighting to provide a world class education to every Minnesota child, and quality early education is proven to have benefits which last for years. Learn more
Minnesotans cherish our natural environment and maintaining it for future generations is a key responsibility of the state. Controlling the spread of invasive species, managing wildlife populations, and preventing the release of toxic substances are all areas where the state should take a proactive role. Learn more
Jerry will continue to work with his Republican and DFL colleagues to develop a system that protects the provisions of the Affordable Care Act which provide insurance to those with pre-existing conditions and to children up to the age of 26. Learn more
Our tax system needs to be fair and help encourage businesses to invest in Minnesota. Learn more
Direct support professionals and home health care workers do critical work supporting the elderly and disabled. COVID-19 has brought into stark relief how essential these underpaid workers are. They deserve more support and respect from the society they serve so well. Jerry is committed to improving their pay and working conditions. Learn more
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