Currently holds the office of Maine House of Representatives - District 71 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for Maine House of Representatives - District 71 in 2024 Maine General Election.
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Get StartedWe have freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and by the Constitution of Maine. We need to be ever vigilant that lawmakers in Augusta don’t write laws that encroach on or inhibit those freedoms in any way. Some might argue that small “tweaks” to the practice of our freedoms might be ok in order to maintain order and discipline in our society. Legislators must resist those “little” encroachments to our freedoms under the guise of civil order and safety. Learn more
I think that we have some very good educators in every school district in Maine. One of the problems that I see in education is the interference of the State in the actual education of the students. They have many unfunded educational mandates that local districts are saddled with that often don’t allow them to do other meaningful things that would be better for the students’ educational experience. State should set a broad standard of achievement and leave the rest to the professionals in the local community. Treat teachers like professionals by allowing them to do their job rather than dictating every step of the process. Learn more
We need to invest in our roads and bridges to help our economy grow and to help Mainers effectively travel to their jobs, transport goods and services, and for basic living needs. Learn more
Every program of State and local governance should be reviewed on a regular basis to determine its impact on the population and its true cost to the taxpayer. Businesses regularly review their operations to determine what works and makes money and what doesn’t. Government should do the same and prioritize spending to that which government SHOULD do! Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.