Candidate for Washington House of Representatives - District 23, Position 2 in 2024 Washington Primary Election.
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Get StartedHealthcare isn’t the only industry facing crisis-level shortages of employees. The maritime industry needs our help as well. If you take a ferry regularly you know exactly what I’m talking about. But we also need more tugboat drivers and shipyard workers. We can address this by creating more opportunities for skills development and training programs, especially for veterans transitioning from the armed forces. Learn more
As we grow, we mustn’t do so at the expense of our natural environment and green spaces. I think we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I want my great-grandchildren to think so too. That means supporting efforts to clean up messes made, ensuring oversight to prevent future messes, and in every decision about growth and new development, that environmental impact is a primary consideration. Learn more
In the richest country in the world, there’s no excuse for our healthcare system not to be the best in the world. Yet, we pay almost double for healthcare which is often rated lower than all the other major nations. This needs fixing. As a doctor who has worked in this system for over 35 years, I have an understanding of where changes need to be made to improve patient care. Learn more
Too often the insurance industry is deciding your care based on what is the cheapest treatment instead of what is the best treatment. There is too much interference from these third parties in treatment options that you and your doctor feel is best. We can start right here in Kitsap County by working with community partners like Olympic College to expand their workforce development programs and produce the next generation of healthcare workers who will improve service and help drive down costs. Learn more
When you visit downtown Bremerton, it's obvious that something needs to be done about the unsheltered on our streets. There is simply no bigger factor than our housing crisis. Housing costs, whether you rent or own, are twice what they were just a few years ago. We need to expand housing options, encourage more housing development, and create programs that ensure people stay housed once they’re back on their feet. We also must expand programs that fund community mental health and substance use treatment services in our community. Learn more
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