Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Ohio 3rd Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Ohio 3rd Congressional District in 2024 Ohio General Election.
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Get StartedNo one should be the victim of discrimination, harassment, or bigotry because of who they love or how they identify. Joyce is dedicated to eliminating those barriers that prevent all Americans from enjoying full equality under the law and in our society. Learn more
As an influential member of the Congressional Black Caucus and Deputy Vice-Chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, Joyce is committed to creating an America not defined by our perceived differences and to making it easier for Americans to vote, not harder. Learn more
We live in a nation that incarcerates its own citizens at a rate higher than any other country in the world. That is why Joyce believes our country needs to embrace the ideals of rehabilitation, restorative justice, and to reject harsh and ineffective treatment of non-violent criminals. Learn more
Joyce is committed to keeping our country and all Americans safe at home and abroad, and is equally committed to all those who answered the call to serve in the Armed Forces. In Congress, she has continually supported increased funding for the military, our brave men and women in uniform, and our nation’s veterans. Learn more
In Congress, Joyce is fighting hard to reduce the rising cost of college and higher education, increase investment in our nation’s public schools, address the student loan debt crisis, and expand access to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Learn more
Joyce supports expanding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Learn more
She supports expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act. Learn more
She supports expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act and continuing to invest in groundbreaking medical research, therapies and technologies to improve the health and well-being of generations of Americans. Learn more
Joyce supports finding a pathway to full citizenship for undocumented immigrants and DREAMers and believes that the federal government has a responsibility to defend those seeking protection from oppression and violence. Learn more
As Vice-Chair of the Democratic Caucus’ Seniors Task Force, Joyce supports expanding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and believes we should uphold the promises made to America’s seniors by strengthening these programs and ensuring their long-term solvency. Learn more
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