Currently holds the office of Utah State Senate - District 12 until January 1, 2027.
Candidate for Utah State Senate - District 12 in 2024 Utah General Election.
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Get StartedSmall businesses are the lifeblood of Utah, and I will always work for sound public policy that helps them to succeed. We can support and empower our workforce by providing better education and skills training. Learn more
As an educator, I am passionate about providing the very best possible education to the students of Utah. I believe that investing wisely in our greatest assets – our children – is the best thing we can do for the future of our state. Learn more
Like you, I value our natural environment, and encourage all Utahns to be good stewards of our natural resources so that our beautiful state can be preserved for future generations. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.