Currently holds the office of New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Rockingham 22 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Rockingham 22 in 2024 New Hampshire General Election.
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Get StartedI believe that women are in charge of their reproductive health and should be free to make decisions that are right for them and their families. Learn more
Public monies support public education. Taxpayer money cannot and should not be used to subsidize private education. People are free to choose what educational situation they want for their children, however, it is wrong for taxpayer money to be used to pay for it. Learn more
We are sensitive to specific environmental concerns. We are vulnerable to flooding because of storm surges, heavy rains and high tides. This is not going to go away and will likely worsen. It will serve us well if we can do what we can to prepare for this in advance rather waiting to do repairs in the aftermath. We need to think forward to solve problems instead of carrying a broom and dustpan in the wake of unfortunate events. Learn more
My concern is not whether or not anyone can or cannot own a gun, but that they demonstrate basic competence. Also that they do not have a history which would suggest they should not have a gun. There are several measures we can take that have wide support; requiring a background check for all gun sales; banning assault weapons, making devices such as bumpstocks illegal; insuring that individuals who have committed violent felonies, people with mental illness which impairs their ability to handle firearms, or individuals who have been identified as dangerous to the country do not have guns. Learn more
I believe that individuals are in charge of their own health care and free to make whatever decisions that are right for that person. I believe that government’s role is to provide access to care but not to participate in any decisions that any person needs to make. Those kinds of decisions should remain with the individual, that person’s doctor, and family members of the individual's choice. The government does not have a seat at that table. Learn more
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