Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Virginia 6th Congressional District in 2024 Virginia General Election.
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Get StartedI firmly oppose the 2022 Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade and efforts in many states to outlaw abortion and limit access to reproductive healthcare services, including birth control and IVF. In Congress, I will support federal legislation protecting women’s right to choose and fight tirelessly to establish once and for all that women have autonomy over their own bodies. Learn more
Congress must act to codify the right of every citizen to control their reproductive planning and make medically sound decisions with their healthcare providers. Learn more
Incredibly, women are still fighting for equal pay and respect in the workplace. We must ensure women are paid equally for equal work and that they can live their lives free from fear of physical violence and harassment in the workplace, at home, and in their communities. In Congress, I will work to finally certify the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Learn more
Encouraging industrial hemp as a commercial crop will help farmers diversify their income and spur industrial development in manufacturing plants that use hemp to create commercial products. Removing the federal legal barriers to farming hemp is a priority. Incentivizing farmers to grow this climate-friendly crop will help farmers and the planet. Learn more
Sustained stress pushes people into hypervigilance, including looking for “an enemy” to fight, even if that enemy is their neighbor. They are also vulnerable to following leaders who promise to fix everything. To save democracy, we must rebuild economic security and a sense of belonging for everyone in our communities. Learn more
Trickle-down economics has failed America. Decades of tax policies favoring the wealthy and large corporations have not resulted in the promised shared prosperity... Learn more
With a deep understanding of the importance of education in shaping the future, Ken advocates for increased funding for public schools, support for teacher education programs in public universities, and paying educators the professional salaries they deserve. All students need adequate access to technology, including investment in rural broadband. Learn more
Additionally, he champions measures to address income inequality and supports initiatives to provide training and educational resources to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to secure meaningful employment. Learn more
He understands the importance of investing in infrastructure, renewable energy projects, and small businesses to stimulate economic development and create jobs. Learn more
We will be a climate change destination for those fleeing unlivable areas. We will need to expand housing, water sources, food supplies, and schools. We can prepare by building on our strong agricultural base and expanding our manufacturing sector. Learn more
It is time for the United States to transition public investments away from propping up fossil fuel companies. Our money should be invested in encouraging renewable, green energy systems. Climate change is real; the need is urgent. Learn more
I agree that Israel has an absolute right to defend itself and protect its citizens, but not at any cost. Learn more
Nine months later, I pray every day for the safe return of all hostages and an end to the violence. Just like I cannot condone the slaughter of innocent Israelis, I cannot condone the slaughter, starvation, and mistreatment of innocent Palestinians. I support a two-state solution, which I believe can only happen when the killing ends. Learn more
The mental health crisis in our country is caused by an excessive emphasis on going it alone. We must rekindle an ethos of mutual care, compassion, and common sense shared problem-solving for individual and collective benefit. Democratic governance is how we pool our resources and collaborate to lift everyone. Learn more
I fully support the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. However, like the majority of Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, I also support common-sense gun control legislation. We MUST take action to stop the senseless violence that threatens and kills our children in their schools and innocent Americans going about their lives. Learn more
I support a total federal ban on assault weapons; requiring background checks for the purchase of all firearms; funding public research on the causes and impacts of gun violence; and continuing the work of the groundbreaking, bi-partisan Safer Communities Act. Learn more
We must also act immediately to protect the rights and dignity of every member of our community, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. The government does not belong in our bedrooms or our medical appointments. Learn more
Ken will use his experience building broadband and upgrading water supply and treatment systems to advocate for much-needed energy system changes. Learn more
Ken advocates for policies promoting job growth, fair wages, and worker protections. Learn more
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