Currently holds the office of Arizona State Senate - District 27 until January 4, 2027.
Candidate for Arizona State Senate - District 27 in 2024 Arizona General Election.
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Get StartedArizona is a national leader in job growth thanks to our pro-growth environment. We want it to be easy to move here, start a business or find a job here, and make a good living. That means less hassle, less paperwork, and less bureaucracy. Clearly, its working. That’s why so many people and companies are moving here from states that are hostile to job creators. Arizona’s future growth will be largely related to the quality of its infrastructure. That means issues like water need long-term plans, and quality highways and rail systems will be needed to move product both domestically as well as internationally. Learn more
I will continue to champion a strong education system, support choice for parents so they can find the school that is the best fit for their kids, and look after our teachers.. Learn more
Ever since 2016 we have heard complaints and concerns from voters that our elections and our election results can’t be relied on. That’s bad for our state and country. That’s why I support efforts to increase transparency and reliability in our voting process and in how we count the votes. Paper ballots, an audit process that works, and results that are accurate, independently verifiable, and delivered as fast as possible. Every Arizonan deserves an election system that works and can be trusted. Learn more
Every lawmaker takes an oath of office pledging to uphold and defend the Constitution, but it seems obvious that a great many of them are not familiar with our founding documents. I take that oath seriously, whether dealing with 1st Amendment issues like freedom of speech, religious liberty, or freedom of expression, 2nd Amendment issues related to our right to keep and bear arms, or 10th Amendment issues related to State’s Rights, etc. Learn more
The COVID pandemic revealed significant flaws in how government attacks health crisis at the expense of personal freedoms. Doctors were silenced, patient rights were trampled, and regular scientific discourse was punished, all in the name of a greater good that was ultimately poorly served. That is why we are working hard to make sure that doctors and patients get to speak freely and consider all treatment options when dealing with health problems. History has taught us that more choices, more information, and more conversation will lead to better outcomes. Arizona has learned that lesson and will be better prepared for the next crisis. Learn more
There isn’t much left for states like Arizona to do when it comes to stopping illegal immigration, but that doesn’t mean that we should do nothing. I continue to advocate to our federal government that they do their job, secure our borders, and stop the flow of guns, drugs, and violence that crosses it. The situation is completely out of control and Washington D.C. Would rather fight each other than protect us. Shame on them, but we’re going to continue pressing until our state is safe and secure. Learn more
Arizona is proof you can have both if you’re willing to make the tough choices and say no to the big-spenders who want government to pay for everything imaginable. I know that government is spending We The People’s money, so I want to safeguard it as carefully as I would mine or yours. Today, Arizona is increasing spending on education, public safety, transportation, and more, while keeping taxes low. And our fiscal discipline is paying off with economic growth and new job creation that is among our nation’s best. Learn more
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