Currently holds the office of Idaho House of Representatives - District 25A until November 30, 2026.
Candidate for Idaho House of Representatives - District 25A in 2024 Idaho General Election.
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Get StartedI support the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, the rights of the unborn child, and oppose abortion based on sex selection, convenience, or as a method of birth control. Adoption should be encouraged and enabled by legislation as an alternative to abortion. Learn more
Unfortunately, the state economy is not so simple. The economy is dynamic and integrated into many separate sub-economies and broad statistics. Comparisons of any one statistic to other states, regions to determine what is best for Idaho, fails to account for the diversity of Idaho’s geography which impacts the various economies found throughout Idaho. To maximize our economic potential we must enable our economy and industry through a balance of good tax policy, economic incentives and local planning. A coordinated effort is needed to enhance the cultural, economic and natural resources for the benefit of economic growth and the creation of quality career opportunities. Economic growth must result in a vibrant economy of industrial, agricultural and commercial enterprise, with the final economic impact on the individual. Learn more
The current Covid-19 Virus and related soft school closure has created a new challenge. We need to assure that future legislation prepares us for such situations. What learn from this national crisis and how we modify existing policy will be high on our agenda in the coming legislative session. Learn more
With the help of organizations like the NRA and the strength of Article I, Section 11 of the Idaho Constitution your Right to Bear Arms is in good hands. I look forward to continuing our work to protect the 2nd Amendment. Learn more
Property Taxes have and will continue to be a source of contention as long as Idaho Tax policy restricts local governments from participating in the full economic growth of the state and community. The only option for local governments to fund their services is Property Taxes, which are the most unfair system of taxation. Local Governments bear a tremendous burden to provide local services for a growing population. This includes public schools. Statewide changes revenue sharing needs to be considered as an alternative to property taxes. We need to make changes to our tax policy, not simply delay the problem with artificial freezes, that shift property taxes from one class of property owner to another. The use of sales taxes generated by the Wayfair Decision internet purchases is a good source for a broad based reduction of property taxes. Learn more
The government must practice fiscal responsibility, and tax revenues should provide the government only the money necessary to provide appropriate functions. Idaho’s tax structure should be predictable, fair, and balanced, and the combination of our income, sales, and property taxes should continue to provide a stable, dependable source of income for governmental needs. The current tax policy of the State should be simplified allowing for lower income and sales tax rates. Learn more
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