Currently holds the office of Somerville School Committee - Ward 5 until December 31, 2025.
Candidate for Somerville School Committee - Ward 5 in 2023 Massachusetts General Election.
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Get StartedCollaboration – parents, staff and community members working together to define priorities and make things happen. Learn more
Early identification and support – more effective intervention for students with learning challenges to reduce the achievement gap and free up resources for all students. Learn more
Smart investment means using the resources we have wisely, as well as making thoughtful, evidence-based decisions about new investment. For example, expanding access to early childhood education may not be as simple as opening more preschool classrooms. Program improvements may include some combination of increasing availability, providing more after-school slots or full-day programming (subsidized or for-fee), and partnering with private providers to better meet the needs of our families and prepare students for elementary school. Learn more
Collaboration is key. I would like to invest in more common planning time for teachers within and across schools and in targeted objectives, such as creating hands-on cross-subject projects or addressing the needs of at risk students. In the middle grades, I would like to see collaboration taken one step further, possibly creating a department model to establish leadership across the six schools, as we do in the high school. Staff working together promotes creativity and excellence. Learn more
Early identification and support will help meet the school district's primary goal of providing all children what they need to reach their academic, social and emotional potential. The earlier we identify and provide support to students, the more successful they will be and the more resources we will have available for all students. I will advocate for the teacher training and support needed to make early identification and student assistance a reality and to foster a culture of inclusion. Learn more
Smart investment – efficient use of current resources, careful long-term investment and creative exploration of revenue sources and community support. Learn more
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