Currently holds the office of New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Strafford 4 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Strafford 4 in 2024 New Hampshire General Election.
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Get StartedWe must also ensure bureaucracies do not incentivize dependency. We have all heard the recent stories where unemployment benefits are so high that many are choosing to stay unemployed rather than return to work for less money. That is simply a perverse result from politician’s haste. Learn more
As a conservative Republican who is also a member of the Allied Pilots Association (the union that represents the pilots of American Airlines), In three previous house sessions, I argued strongly for “Right to Work” legislation during debate. This does not mean I am anti-union, only that I believe each individual should have the right to join a union, or not. Learn more
Like many other states, New Hampshire has a large unfunded public pension liability. There are ways that this problem can be fixed before the public employees see their plans default or the taxpayer is forced to bail out the retirement system. It will take courage and open eyes on the part of all parties. Having lived through the failure of a Defined Benefit Plan (like the NH public employee’s plan), I have witnessed first hand the devastation it can cause. But I also know how these failures can be prevented. Learn more
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