Currently holds the office of California State Assembly - District 20 until December 7, 2026.
Candidate for California State Assembly - District 20 in 2024 California General Election.
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Get Started“Every family deserves to live in a safe neighborhood. I continue to advocate for neighborhood-based policing approaches where trained, accountable officers are working with the community to fight gun violence. And we must secure our school sites so our children and teachers are safe”. Learn more
“I have a proven track record of placing hundreds of people into well-paying jobs—and I ’ll champion our small East Bay businesses, who make us stronger by creating great jobs in the communities we love.”. Learn more
Homelessness is a statewide and East Bay crisis. Besides expanding affordable housing options and well-paying jobs, we must effectively address addiction challenges. Learn more
“Too many people are getting priced out of the East Bay. I continue to fight the system, in order to make housing affordable for teachers, nurses, and first responders. My daughter and your future generations should be able to live in the communities we all love.”. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.