Candidate for Ohio State Senate - District 6 in 2020 Ohio General Election.
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Get StartedFrom equal pay, domestic abuse protection, access to healthcare, reproductive rights, and paid parental leave, Ohio lags behind. Gender-based discrimination costs Ohio women $30 billion every year. State laws surrounding domestic violence and spousal assault are woefully inadequate and put women at risk. Last, many Ohio lawmakers are working against the will of the majority by introducing and passing draconian laws that restrict a woman’s power to make her own reproductive choices. As Senator I will fight to right all these wrongs. Learn more
As home to Ohio’s largest single-site employer, Wright Patterson Air Force Base is fundamentally critical to our community. As someone with 20+ years of national security and economic development experience, I know how to fight for our base. I will work with state and federal organizations to expand the base’s missions in order to bring more jobs to Dayton. Plus, I want to grow the current push to commercialize great ideas for the benefit of our local small businesses. And as a former active duty military leader, and veteran’s services policy advisor, I know first-hand what our large veteran community wants and needs. We have a moral obligation to support the men and women who risk their lives in service to our nation, and I will be their voice in the Statehouse. Learn more
Nearly 5000 Ohioans died from opioid overdoses last year, and Dayton is at the epicenter of this crisis. Every single neighborhood, city street, and school district is under threat. It’s devastating our economy, swelling our prisons with nonviolent offenders, and dividing families. As your Senator I will fight for the resources we need for prevention, treatment, and recovery. Our state’s Medicaid expansion plays a critical role in fighting this battle, yet many in power want to repeal this necessary tool. Perhaps most importantly, we must all unite in recognizing that those addicted to dangerous opioids need our help and compassion, not our scorn. I will make sure those that need our help get connected to it. This crisis needs nothing less than a long-term, comprehensive effort at all levels. Learn more
Dayton has a rightfully proud history of jobs built on innovation and manufacturing. A believer in the power of our businesses, I want to reduce burdensome regulations on small businesses, simplify the red-tape around taxation and reporting, and expand Dayton’s growing private-public partnerships. We need to ensure our local workforce is prepared and trained for high-wage 21st century jobs, protect their rights, and support businesses who invest in their people. I also know our economy thrives with more global trade and I will work to ensure our businesses can compete globally. Learn more
We’re going backward in Ohio. Our legislature is cutting funding to our cities and townships, and forcing teachers and school districts to bend to the will of central government, all while we’ve gone overboard on testing. Ohio leads the nation in student debt. Less than half our children attend pre-school. And every year, our teachers are working harder with less. I’m a proud product of public schools and I will fight for better funding, invest in pre-K, and support teachers at every step. I’m also troubled by Ohio’s recent history of fraudulent Charter School policy. Let us be clear: the American public education system is a proud legacy of our founding, and Ohio can and ought to be the envy of the nation. Join me in making this a reality. Learn more
Everything in Ohio from our drinking water, rivers and lakes, and food chain, to the very air we breathe, is under threat. Most states are taking smart steps to address these problems, but not here. We’re going backward by forcing taxpayers to bail out inefficient power plants and advancing policies that kill any hope of a modern energy infrastructure. Ohioans don’t want this, so let’s change course and lead with responsible energy policies. As a win-win, this will benefit our economy and our environment. Learn more
There are now nearly 100 school shootings in the US every year, and after our community suffered its’ own tragedy, we demanded our lawmakers in Columbus do something—but they aren’t! As your State Senator, I will. I want to mandate Universal Background Checks, keep guns out of the hands of violent offenders, help protect our men and women in law enforcement, and keep weapons of war off our streets. The vast majority of Ohioans support these policies, and so do I. Learn more
Ohio trails most states in overall health, especially for women, infants, and children. Prescription medication costs for critical drugs like insulin are so high it has become an immediate threat. Many in Ohio’s statehouse want to cut your access to affordable healthcare and resist lowering prescription drug prices. Not me. Affordable, quality healthcare is essential, and I want to make sure everyone in Ohio has this. I will also fight to make sure our families and seniors can afford the medicine they need. We can save lives, keep families out of financial ruin, and we can afford it. Really, we can’t afford not to. Learn more
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