Candidate for New Mexico House of Representatives - District 12 in 2022 New Mexico Primary Election.
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Get StartedNew Mexico’s economy is changing and the South Valley should be at the forefront in creating clean, better-paying jobs in new industries like film production, cannabis, local foods, and renewable energy. Learn more
South Valley families need more opportunities for early childhood education programs like home visitation and Pre-K; top-notch K-12 public schools; and support to attend the two- or four-year college or university of their choice. Learn more
The cost of healthcare is increasing more than the salaries and wages. Healthcare is a right and the South Valley should be first in line. Learn more
From safer neighborhoods to repaired roads, sidewalks, and pipes, we need stronger collaboration with the County and City of Albuquerque to ensure all South Valley residents feel safe in their homes and have first class infrastructure, like other parts of Albuquerque have. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.