Currently holds the office of California State Assembly - District 53 until December 7, 2026.
Candidate for California State Assembly - District 53 in 2024 California General Election.
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Get StartedAs a mother who raised four children while working full-time, Michelle knows the struggles that come along with being a woman, a mother, a student and an employee, all at the same time. Women need to have extra protections in place to prevent discrimination and unjust practices in the workplace, in our schools, and in our society as a whole. And in response to the courts overturning Roe and stripping women of a fundamental civil right, Michelle proudly supports reproductive choice and keeping California a safe haven for women everywhere. Learn more
work with the community to ensure that the services and resources that are provided through the different state agencies are culturally sensitive and appropriately distributed. Learn more
ensure the Inland Empire receives the necessary resources to fully staff our local fire firefighters, law enforcement, and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel. Learn more
work with local police departments to fund and implement community policing programs that place our police officers within the community to serve as positive and visible symbols of public safety. Learn more
fight to bring resources to the 53rd Assembly District to assist small businesses with obtaining low-interest loans. Learn more
work with local school districts and small businesses to expand mentorship and workforce development for our youth that lead to permanent job placements. Learn more
Increase spending per pupil throughout the school districts in the 53rd Assembly District. Learn more
raise teacher salaries to help current teachers, create an incentive for teachers who have left the profession, and recruit new teachers to the classrooms. Learn more
Michelle is dedicated to improving the quality of the environment in the Inland Empire because she wants her grandchildren, and all kids, to have long and healthy lives. Climate change presents a catastrophic threat to the future and Michelle is ready to fight to protect our water and air while reducing our carbon footprint. The Inland Empire is a booming logistics hub and this has an immense impact on the health of everyone, especially our youth and children. Once elected Michelle will: Learn more
we protect the coverage we gained under the Affordable Care Act and move towards universal comprehensive healthcare for all. Learn more
Medi-Cal and Medicare are protected and that we work against privatizing these types of public safety-net programs. Learn more
we monitor the adequacy of the healthcare institutions in the 53rd Assembly District to ensure that the community is receiving quality services and resources. Learn more
work with local governments and nonprofits to create programs in the community that prevent homelessness and help working families stay housed and self-sufficient. Learn more
support the rights of all employees to organize without fear of intimidation and retaliation. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.