Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Arizona 7th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Arizona 7th Congressional District in 2024 Arizona General Election.
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Get StartedDespite the recent progress we have made to eliminate discriminatory laws and promote an environment of acceptance, the LGBTQI community continues to face deeply rooted institutional and social discrimination throughout America. The fact remains that there are still far too many laws that systemically oppress our LGBTQI family, friends, and neighbors. Not only are these laws harmful to American business and our reputation as a country, but they are morally bankrupt. We all must stand up in solidarity with the LGBTQI community against the bigotry they too often face. Learn more
The men and women who serve our country in the military shouldn’t be left to fend for themselves when they return home. Neither should their families. Veterans deserve every measure of our respect, our assistance, and our legal protection upon re-entering civilian life. If Congress doesn’t do everything it can to help them find good-paying jobs and reduce barriers to accessing their health care benefits, then something’s very wrong. Learn more
I don’t believe business and government should compete with each other for public support. When we have the right policies that build for the future, invest in workers, and ensure corporate accountability, government and business can both work in the public interest. That’s the future economy I’m working for, and that’s why I’m running to represent you. Learn more
Since I was elected to Congress, I have been a close partner with the labor movement and a strong advocate for workers’ rights in Washington. I believe that our federal policies must nurture innovation and technological advancement that position our nation’s workforce to the forefront of the green jobs movement. Learn more
If Congress makes education a priority and gives it the resources it deserves, we all come out ahead. Schools should be at the top, not the bottom, of our list of things to fund and improve. We cannot allow our schools to be vouchirized so that individuals can profit off them at the expense of quality education. Learn more
Instead of stepping back and hoping our kids get a good education, I believe Congress should step up, and increase access to high-quality schools. From pre-k to college, I’m proud to serve as a senior member of the Education and Labor Committee and take a leading role in Congress in pushing for more funding and a higher quality of education at all levels. Learn more
The transition to cleaner alternative energy and the rebuilding of our manufacturing base here in the United States are critical issues facing our nation. I support climate legislation not only to protect vulnerable landscapes and populations but as a means to increase energy efficiency and spur a new generation of economic opportunities and jobs. Learn more
I support strengthening the voice of everyday American voters by providing a 25 My Voice Tax Credit for campaign contributions. And making individuals just as powerful as big donors by establishing the Freedom From Influence Fund to match contributions from everyday Americans at a ratio of six-to-one. This gives candidates the incentive to seek out small donors instead of begging for the contributions of powerful special interests. And, protecting every American’s voice from being drowned out by wealthy and well-connected donors by providing citizen-funded candidates with additional publicly matched funds within 60 days of an election. Learn more
Ending the wage gap and guaranteeing equal pay for equal work. Learn more
The Citizens United decision undermined our democracy by granting extensive constitutional protections to corporations. I believe that the best way to maintain the integrity of our political system and ensure that every American’s voice is heard in November is to fully overturn Citizens United with an amendment to the Constitution. Learn more
Eight of the ten deadliest mass shootings in recent American history have involved an assault weapon that would have been banned for purchase under the previous assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004, including mass shootings. That’s why I strongly support reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban. Learn more
I am a strong proponent of improving and expanding our Medicare system. I am a cosponsor of the Medicare for All Act. Additionally, I support lowering prescription drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, just as the VA does. I will continue to fight for more funds for health research and VA so our veterans can receive the tailored care they deserve. Learn more
Seniors should not have to spend their retirement days in poverty. That’s why I am opposed to any attempts to cut or privatize Social Security. We need to strengthen it, not start hacking away at one of the fundamental agreements between our government and the American people. However, now that Republicans have increased the deficit with their GOP tax scam, they are now looking to make cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to make up the difference. We must hold them accountable for their reckless tax plan and work tirelessly to ensure that they do not use it as a justification to make significant cuts to the programs that millions of older Americans rely on. Learn more
In addition, we need to fight back against attempts to privatize Social Security that would put the fate of millions of Americans’ retirements in the hands of Wall Street, which has already proved that they cannot be trusted. Moreover, we must ensure that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share into the system by removing the cap on taxable earnings. Learn more
I support fully funding our Medicare and Medicaid obligations and ending the windfall elimination provision, which forces low-paid public employees outside the Social Security system, like educators, to lose a significant portion of their Social Security benefits. I have also co-sponsored legislation to end the windfall elimination provision and the government pension offset, which makes it more difficult for spouses of former government employees to enjoy full Social Security benefits. Learn more
Requiring immigrants to obtain legal status and pay taxes by filing with the government, submitting to a background check and participating in a new employer verification system. Learn more
Making sure that undocumented immigrants who have no criminal history have a way of obtaining legal status in an efficient and just manner. Learn more
Reducing the severe visa backlog and removing the caps for highly skilled workers and family members of permanent residents. Learn more
Ensuring that border agencies have the resources they need to stop criminal gangs and smugglers, especially at ports of entry. Learn more
I support a 15 an hour federal minimum wage. I find it appalling that in the richest nation on Earth, full-time workers struggle to make ends meet and provide their families with basic necessities. I am proud to once again be an original co-sponsor of the Raise the Wage Act, which would increase the federal minimum wage for regular employees over a 5-year period and eliminate the separate minimum wage requirements for tipped, newly hired, and disabled employees. After a specified period, these employees shall be paid the same minimum wage as regular employees. Learn more
I support equal pay for equal work and fair treatment in the workplace, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or cultural background. I was proud when Cronkite News highlighted the fact that women hold 3 of the top 4 leadership positions in my office. Our economy thrives when employers hire fairly and pay workers what they earn. Learn more
Guaranteeing paid maternity leave. Learn more
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