Currently holds the office of Oklahoma House of Representatives - District 73 until November 18, 2026.
Candidate for Oklahoma House of Representatives - District 73 in 2024 Oklahoma General Election.
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Get StartedVoting is the bedrock of our democracy and the right upon which all of our civil liberties rest. We must protect and expand citizens' rights to vote in our elections. Learn more
Our prisons are often overfilled and understaffed, and we continue to experience crime rates that are above the national average while our neighbors are being killed in the streets. What our legislature is doing isn't working. Ronald will work to champion innovative, data-driven policies that will keep Tulsa safe and healthy. Learn more
We need to protect our local family-owned businesses and startups from creeping nationalization. If we’re going to build a brighter future for Oklahoma, we’ll need our small businesses at the table and thriving. Ronald will always stand up for our local businesses and their workers. Learn more
Instead of taking vital funds away from public education, we need to ensure that our educators and their classrooms are funded sufficiently. When our educators and public schools suffer, our children and our state suffer. Learn more
Ronald is passionate about expanding voter access in Oklahoma and making sure Tulsans have a say in who represents them at the Capitol. Learn more
Currently, we rank among the lowest in the nation for uninsured adults and children. In order to have a bright future, we need healthy Oklahomans who aren't forced to choose between going to the doctor and putting food on the table. Ronald will work diligently to make sure we can get the medical treatment we need. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.