Currently holds the office of Maine House of Representatives - District 116 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for Maine House of Representatives - District 116 in 2024 Maine General Election.
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Get StartedI have been a vocal supporter of equal rights for all Mainers. Financial matters affect us all, and affordable housing and affordable cost-of-living are important features of a community where people can live and work. Learn more
Our state’s economic viability in the coming decades will largely depend on our ability to retain and attract individuals and families of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. I have been honored to help new Mainers gain a foothold in our community, and to create education and training opportunities for youth from traditionally marginalized groups. Learn more
Protecting our environment for future generations is a moral, ecologic, and economic imperative. Learn more
The evidence is clear that universal access is a hallmark of high-functioning and lower-cost health systems, which is why I have fought to expand primary care, increase coverage, and preserve protections for pre-existing conditions. Learn more
I strongly support spaces and places that bring people together and build community. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.