Currently holds the office of New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Hillsborough 34 until December 2, 2026.
Candidate for New Hampshire House of Representatives - District Hillsborough 34 in 2024 New Hampshire General Election.
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Get StartedEducation in New Hampshire is actually very strong compared to many states. We are one of the top five states in the country leading in education. We need to ensure students have access to a strong public school program and work on funding concerns. Learn more
We also need to work together to find solutions to protect our environment. We need to provide long term solutions for energy which might include a balance of solar, wind, and other alternative energies. Providing future generations with clean water and environments requires creative solutions and a balanced approach. Learn more
We need to work together to provide long term solutions for job and housing. Encouraging business to come to and stay in New Hampshire is critical to keeping families here in our State. However, this also requires affordable housing. With the median home price reaching $500,000, young families find it difficult to afford a home in New Hampshire. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.