Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - New Mexico 3rd Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - New Mexico 3rd Congressional District in 2024 New Mexico General Election.
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Get StartedIn New Mexico, we trust women to make personal decisions about pregnancy with their familias, their faith, and their healthcare provider - without government interference. Learn more
Furthermore, contraception must be available and affordable, and every woman must have access to basic preventive health care that keeps them and, in turn, our families and communities healthy and thriving. I will keep pushing for this essential freedom until we can get it signed into law. Learn more
As a former small business owner, I work to support small businesses, the backbone of our local economies, by cutting red tape, creating access to capital, and providing tax incentives for local businesses instead of giving handouts to large out-of-state corporations. Learn more
The federal government has a responsibility to help our students succeed through higher education - be that college or university, or apprenticeships and vocational schools. I support reducing the burden of student debt as well as eliminating undergraduate tuition at public colleges and universities for most students. We cannot let our young people join the workforce with crippling student loan debt, which is holding so many back and crippling our economy. Learn more
Here in New Mexico, we know how important the land, air, and water are to our culture, history, and economy. And we know that New Mexico is getting hotter, our droughts are getting drier and longer, and our wildfire seasons are getting longer and more damaging. We know we must address these changes to our climate so that our families can continue to thrive here. We have an obligation to invest in renewable energy resources like wind and solar, and take advantage of the ground-breaking new technologies coming out of our national labs and universities that will reduce carbon pollution and create good-paying jobs in New Mexico and across the country. Learn more
I helped secure the largest investments in Tribes in history with the passage of the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. But much more work needs to be done and we need to continue to fully invest in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), Indian Health Service (IHS), and other key programs to provide infrastructure in Indian Country. I will also continue to support Tribes and Pueblos to compact and contract IHS and other programs. I am leading the fight in Congress to protect historic and sacred sites and to return stolen sacred items to their rightful Tribal owners. Learn more
I will never stop fighting to restore democracy to the people, protect the full voting rights of every American, overturn Citizens United, and ensure elected officials work for the gente - not just the wealthy and powerful. Learn more
Americans overwhelmingly support gun violence reform. I support background checks on all gun sales, a ban on military-style assault weapons, and strengthening red flag laws to ensure dangerous individuals who may harm themselves or others don’t possess them. These are just some of the widely supported policies that will save lives without impacting the rights of law-abiding Americans to freely own firearms. Learn more
We need adequate funding for clinics in rural areas and better incentives for doctors to practice in rural areas, so that all of our community members have access to care where they live and work. We also must fully invest in behavioral and mental health services and address the epidemic of addiction and substance abuse that has hit our rural areas especially hard. We need to train more health care providers, nurses and technicians who come from and want to stay in our beautiful small towns and villages. Learn more
Health care for all means access for all. It means a health care system that isn’t crippled by bankrupting deductibles and copays. It means nobody receives a surprise bill in the mail. It means investing in our health care system to improve the health and well-being of Americans, investing in innovative treatments and drugs that will save lives, giving providers the tools and freedom to do their jobs, and bringing down costs for hard working families. Learn more
As a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, I strongly support humane, comprehensive immigration reform. We must treat everyone with dignity, provide a path to citizenship for undocumented dreamers and other law-abiding immigrants, and keeps families together. Immigration reform would ensure that talented, hard-working people could contribute to our economy. It would address labor shortages in high-demand areas, reduce the deficit, and expand our economy. I believe in strengthening security at our border and points of entry, but this is most effectively done by targeting those places where we see most contraband and drug smuggling. Learn more
Infrastructure is the foundation for what our families, communities, and businesses need to thrive. I have walked and worked in rural communities across New Mexico that do not have access to the internet, or even to clean water. I am taking these stories of struggle and deprivation to Congress so these communities are not forgotten - and that investments are directed toward where they are needed most. Learn more
We must protect and expand the benefits of Social Security and Medicare. Our seniors worked hard and contributed to these programs over their careers, and New Mexicans deserve to retire with dignity. I am cosponsoring legislation that would expand Social Security benefits, increase the cost-of-living adjustment for seniors, and strengthen the solvency of the program. Further, I support investing in our caregiving workforce to support older adults and people with disabilities. Learn more
It is unacceptable that women make less than their male counterparts doing comparable work. In New Mexico women make 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. I am an advocate for equal pay for equal work. At the same time, we need to enact paid family leave and ensure affordable child care for our families. Learn more
I fully support raising the federal minimum wage and protecting the rights of workers to collectively bargain - everyone who wants to work should be able to have a fulfilling job that pays a good wage. Learn more
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