Currently holds the office of Oregon House of Representatives - District 46 until January 11, 2027.
Candidate for Oregon House of Representatives - District 46 in 2024 Oregon General Election.
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Get StartedA woman's right to choose all of her own healthcare decisions. I believe in safe, available, & compassionate abortion access & care. Learn more
Protecting the rights of workers to organize & unionize. Learn more
We need to increase our funding for public education while ensuring those dollars go directly to supporting teachers and students. I will listen to educators and work to address their needs. I will work to ensure that our kids have access to the resources they need -- from cradle to career -- to ensure that they have a fair shot at a brighter future. They are our future leaders, and we can't let them slip through the cracks. Learn more
Bold & progressive climate action to protect & heal our environment. Learn more
Strengthening our democracy & ensuring that every person's voice is represented. Learn more
Expanding access to affordable, high quality healthcare. Learn more
I’ll work to increase investments in behavioral health infrastructure and workforce development to ensure that Oregonians have access to mental health and addiction treatment facilities that are fully staffed by highly qualified, compassionate individuals. It is imperative that we facilitate coordination between our city, county, and state government to deliver the best possible care. Learn more
We need to significantly increase the rate of construction of affordable housing so that we can start seeing housing prices lower. I will work to enforce and strengthen policies passed by the Oregon Legislature that put a cap on the amount a landlord can raise your rent. I believe every person in Oregon deserves to have a roof over their head. Learn more
Ensuring oregon is a place where refugees & immigrants are welcomed & given the support to thrive. Learn more
I will advocate for funding to revitalize our most dangerous streets. I will vote to invest in infrastructure that supports walking, biking, and public transportation to make our community healthier, safer, and less reliant on fossil fuels. I will support public parks and green spaces in our community, and I’ll encourage planting more trees to bring shade and to mitigate heat domes in the summer. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.