More than 494 positions are up for election ranging from federal positions including President of the United States to county offices like Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge (De la Pena Seat).
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Get StartedThe President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.
The U.S. House of Representatives is one of two chambers for the federal legislature. Representatives begin the legislation process, offer amendments, and serve on committees.
State Senators are members of the state's upper chamber, as part of the state's bicameral legislature. State senators are responsible for voting on: bills related to public policy matters, levels for state spending, raises or decreases in taxes, and whether to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
State Representatives are members of the state's lower chamber, as part of the state's bicameral legislature. State representatives are responsible for voting on: bills related to public policy matters, levels for state spending, raises or decreases in taxes, and whether to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
Eureka Union School District Classroom Repair, Student Safety, and Academic Excellence Measure
Alameda Unified School District Ballot Measure
Amendments to the San Diego County General Plan
El Dorado Unified High School District Ballot Measure
Geyserville Unified School District Ballot Measure
Moorpark Unified School District Ballot Measure
Novato Teacher/Academic Program Renewal Measure
Albany City Unified School District Ballot Measure
West Sonoma County Union High School District Ballot Measure
Newland Sierra Amendments to the San Diego County General Plan
San Francisco Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond
Colfax Elementary School District Ballot Measure
Alameda County Care for Kids
Bellevue Union School District Ballot Measure
Retiree Health Care Benefits for Former Employees of the San Francisco Housing Authority
Calabasas City Ballot Measure
Alameda County Fire Department Fire Safety Bond
Vacancy Tax
Duarte Public Safety/Essential Services Measure
Avalon City Ballot Measure
Berkeley Unified School District Ballot Measure
Belvedere City Ballot Measure
Limits on Office Development
Chula Vista Ballot Measure
Avalon City Ballot Measure
Emeryville City Ballot Measure
Berkeley Unified School District Ballot Measure
Brea Olinda Unified School District Ballot Measure
Sonoma County Ballot Measure
Davis Joint Unified School District Parcel Tax
Del Mar Ballot Measure
City of Gardena Neighborhood Safety and Community Services Measure
Berkeley Unified School District Ballot Measure
Black Oak Mine Union School District Ballot Measure
Capistrano Unified School District Ballot Measure
Penn Valley Union Elementary School District Ballot Measure
Quality Teacher, Staff and Schools Measure
Capistrano Unified School District Ballot Measure
Castro Valley Unified School District Ballot Measure
Morgan Hill Unified School District Classroom Upgrade/Safety Measure
Dublin Unified School District Ballot Measure
Contra Costa Ballot Measure
East Side Union High School District Ballot Measure
Fullerton Elementary School District Ballot Measure
Hope Elementary School District Bond Measure
Jefferson Union High School District: Bond Measure
Napa Water, Parks and Open Space Restoration and Preservation Retail Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance
Brisbane School District: Bond Measure
Campbell Union High School District Ballot Measure
Emery Unified School District Teacher Retention & Student Achievement Local Education Measure
Fullerton Union Joint School District Ballot Measure
Cajon Valley Union School District Ballot Measure
Fremont Unified School District Ballot Measure
Lafayette School District Ballot Measure
Pleasanton Unified School District Ballot Measure
Chula Vista Elementary School District Ballot Measure
La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District: Parcel Tax Measure
Moraga School District Ballot Measure
Moreland School District Safety Measure
Mountain View School District Ballot Measure
Sunol Glen Unified School District Ballot Measure
Burlingame Elementary School District: Bond Measure
Quality Local Schools and Academic Excellence Measure
Lowell Joint School District Ballot Measure
Campbell Union School District Ballot Measure
Improve Quality Education in Escondido Measure
City of Davis Sales Tax Extension
Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Ordinance
Franklin-McKinley School District Ballot Measure
Lakeside Union School District Ballot Measure
Manteca Unified School District Student Safety and Classroom Repair Measure
Escalon City Ballot Measure
Oak Grove School District Ballot Measure
Antioch Unified School District Ballot Measure
El Segundo City Ballot Measure
Mountain View Whisman School District Classroom Repair/Overcrowding Measure
Berryessa Union School District Classroom Upgrade/Safety Measure
Evergreen School District Ballot Measure
Las Virgenes Unified School District Safety, Repair, Career Readiness Measure
Danville Ballot Measure
Azusa City Ballot Measure
Artesia City Ballot Measure
Alhambra Community Services and Infrastructure Protection Measure
City and County of San Francisco Ballot Measure
Artesia City Ballot Measure
Continuation of City Service Transactions and Use Tax
Lawndale Elementary School District Ballot Measure
Los Angeles County Fire District 911 Firefighter/Paramedic Emergency Response Measure
La Cañada Unified School District Ballot Measure
Mountain View School District Student Safety and School Repair Measure
Cannabis Business Tax for Public Safety, Parks and Youth Programs
Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Ballot Measure
Authorizes Bonds for Facility Repair, Construction, and Modernization at Public Preschools, K-12 Schools, Community Colleges, and Universities
Keppel Union School District Ballot Measure
Avalon City Ballot Measure
Bell City Ballot Measure
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.