More than 122 positions are up for election ranging from federal positions including President of the United States to state offices like Maryland Appeals Court Judge - Circuit 1 (Retain Kehoe?).
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Get StartedThe President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.
The Vice President is the second-highest official in the executive branch, and the presiding officer in the U.S. Senate. The Vice President is the first person in the presidential line of succession, and has the power to break ties in the U.S. Senate.
The U.S. Senate is one of two chambers of the federal legislature. Senators are responsible for writing and passing legislation, approving presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with foreign countries.
The U.S. House of Representatives is one of two chambers for the federal legislature. Representatives begin the legislation process, offer amendments, and serve on committees.
This District or Circuit Court Judge is responsible for adjudicating cases in Civil and Criminal Courts at the trial-level.
The State Supreme Court is responsible for final appeals. Judges in this position are seeking to retain their current seat.
State Appellate Court judges are responsible for hearing cases on appeal from lower courts to determine if the law was interpreted and/or applied correctly. Judges in this position are seeking to retain their current seat.
Right to Protect Reproductive Freedom
Charter Amendment - Increase County Council to 9 Members
Charter Amendment - To Establish County Councilmember Consecutive Term Limits
Charter Amendment - Administrative Review
Charter Amendment - Executive Branch – Small Procurements
Charter Amendment - Compensation of County Council Members
Charter Amendment - Change in Budget and Finance, Supplemental Appropriation procedure
Bond Issue - County Buildings Bonds
Charter Resolution - Charter Revision
Bond Issue - Affordable Housing Loan
County Charter Adoption Referendum - Proposal to Change form of County Government
Charter Amendment - County Executive – Term Limit – Reduction from Three to Two Consecutive Terms
Charter Amendment - Office of the Inspector General
Charter Amendment - Allowing Extension of Temporary Increase of One Cent per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Value for an Additional Seven Fiscal Years
Charter Amendment - Office of the Inspector General
Charter Amendment - County Budget Preparation and Adoption Dates
Charter Amendment - Legislative Branch – Maryland Open Meetings Act
Charter Amendment - County Council Vacancies – Party Affiliation of Appointee
Charter Amendment - Change in Appointment and Removal of Department Heads and Others
Bond Issue - Library Facilities Bonds
Bond Issue - School Loan
Charter Amendment - Planning Board Term Limits
Charter Amendment - County Manager Residency
Charter Amendment - Executive Branch – Board of Appeals - Term of Office
Charter Amendment - Term Limit of the County Executive
Bond Issue - Community College Facilities Bonds
Bond Issue - Community and Economic Development Loan
County Ordinance - Refuse Disposal Borrowing
Charter Amendment - County Manager Responsibilities
Charter Amendment - Legislative Branch – Auditor
Charter Amendment - Compensation of the County Executive
Bond Issue - Public Works and Transportation Facilities Bonds
Bond Issue - Public Infrastructure
County Ordinance - Community College Borrowing
Charter Amendment - Director of Finance Residency
Charter Amendment - Vacancy in the Office of County Executive – Party Affiliation of Appointee
Bond Issue - Public Safety Facilities Bonds
Charter Amendment - Baltimore City Police Department
County Ordinance - Public Works Borrowing
Charter Amendment - Governmental Transparency
Charter Amendment - Appointment of Department Heads and Others
Charter Amendment - Agency Staffing Levels
Charter Amendment - Inner Harbor Park
Charter Amendment - Council Review of Contracts
Charter Amendment - Community Reinvestment and Reparations Fund
County Ordinance - Parks, Preservation and Greenways Borrowing
County Ordinance - School Borrowing
Charter Amendment via Local Petition - Reducing the Size of the City Council
County Ordinance - Agricultural and Rural Land Preservation Borrowing
County Ordinance - Community Improvement Project Borrowing
County Ordinance - Waterway Improvement Program Borrowing
County Ordinance - Operational Buildings Borrowing
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.