More than 3,490 positions are up for election ranging from federal positions including President of the United States to city offices like Cottage Grove Village Municipal Judge.
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Get StartedThe President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.
The State Appellate Court Justices are responsible for evaluating appeals to decisions made by lower courts.
This District or Circuit Court Judge is responsible for adjudicating cases in Civil and Criminal Courts at the trial-level.
General Obligation Bonds
General Obligation Bonds
General Obligation Bonds
Zoning Ordinance
Exceed Revenue Limit
Appointed Clerk and Treasurer
$18,000,000 General Obligation Bond
General Obligation Bonds
Broadband Internet Fiber Optic Funding
General Obligation Bonds
Exceed Revenue Limit
Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Appointment
Clerk/Treasurer Appointment
Appointed Clerk
Levy Increase
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
General Obligation Bonds
ATV/UTV Ordinance
Exceed Revenue Limits
Exceed Revenue Limit - Question I
Issuance of General Obligation Bonds - Question II
Levy Increase
Town Clerk Appointment
Treasurer Appointment
General Obligation Bonds
Town Clerk Appointment
Levy Increase
Exceed Revenue Cap
Broadband Internet Fiber Optic Funding
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Pleasant View Nursing Home
Levy Increase
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Appointment
Appointed Clerk
Exceed Revenue Limit
Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Appointment
General Obligation Bonds
Treasurer Appointment
Treasurer Appointment
Appoint Town Treasurer
Clerk and Treasurer Appointments
Appointed Clerk & Treasurer
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
General Obligation Bonds
Levy Increase
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Appointment
Exceed Revenue Limit
$4,200,000 Operational Expenses
Exceed Revenue Limit
General Obligation Bonds
Exceed Revenue Limit
Levy Increase
Clerk/Treasurer Appointment
Treasurer Appointment
Treasurer Appointment
Treasurer Appointment
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Levy Increase
Fire Based EMS Levy Increase
Exceed Revenue Limit
Use of private funds in election administration
Election officials
General Obligation Bonds
Exceed Revenue Limit
Treasurer Appointment
Treasurer Appointment
Golf Cart Ordinance
Exceed Revenue Limit - Question 1
Advisory Only #1
Advisory Only #2
Advisory Only #3
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
County Tax Increase
General Obligation Bonds
Exceed Revenue Limit
Exceed Revenue Limit
Broadband Internet Fiber Optic Funding
Exceed Revenue Limit
Town Clerk Appointment
Owned Lakefront Property Ordinance Adoption
Treasurer Appointment
Town Hall
Appoint Town Clerk
Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Appointment
Exceed Revenue Limit
Town Clerk/Town Treasurer Appointment - Question 1
Parcel Sale - Question 2
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.