Candidate for California State Assembly - District 55 in 2020 California General Election.
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Get StartedWith experience serving as a Councilman and Mayor, Andrew strongly believes in the importance of supporting local cities and public safety officials with the right tools and resources to effectively address crime. Learn more
He will support legislation that helps small businesses and increase the number of trade and vocational programs that will train the next generation of California’s workforce. Learn more
He will support funding programs that prepare students for college. Learn more
He will support legislation that helps small businesses and increase the number of trade and vocational programs that will train the next generation of California’s workforce. Learn more
As housing prices soar, Andrew understands the imperative of keeping home ownership a reality for those hoping to raise a family in our community. Andrew will support addressing the lack of housing that is affordable by incentivizing the production of new units for professionals, families, and seniors. Learn more
Andrew will support addressing the lack of housing that is affordable by incentivizing the production of new units for professionals, families, and seniors. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.